Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Refashion: High waist pants to low waist shorts

So, I am super excited for my first refashioned post. It took me a little longer than expected because I have been so darn busy. Let me also apologize for the terrible flash photography. Most of this is done late at night once my sweet pea is in bed. Nonetheless, here we go...let the refashioning begin!

Two big trends this spring are tailored shorts and bright colored bottoms. I was looking for both when I came across these raspberry colored pants at a local thrift store. They were brand new Ralph Lauren golf pants with the tags still attached (I don't know who originally paid $90 for these but lets just be glad they had enough sense to donate them and not wear them) I loved the color and the fabric was fantastic and they were only $3.50. As you can see by the below photo however, the fit was horrific! A mom jean fit at its worst. I am not a big gal by any means and these pants manage to add 10 lbs and a pooch to my belly!

The first thing I did was to remove the ridiculously high waist band and took out the darts in the back to take out the mom jean curve. Then I cut the legs off just above the knee. (Save everything you take off you will reuse it)

Once I determined where I wanted the new waistband to sit. Opened up the back seam of the waist band and then pinned it on at the new waist seam to see how much fabric I needed to extend the waistband.

I made a pattern, based on the original waistband and added 1/2" seam allowance. I used the leftover leg fabric to make the waistband addition.

First sew the new side seams on both the front and the back of the waistband and then sew them together at the top. Top stitch your seam allowance on the inside. The inside of the waistband should be slightly longer than the outside

Here I marked with pins where I wanted my new waistband seam to be and then I measured up 1/2" and marked with pins again (this is your cut line) You cannot tell by the picture but I made the waist about 2" lower.

Once the waist is cut, pin the outside of the waistband to the outside of the short and stitch at the original seam.

Fold waistband back over and stitch in the ditch to attach the waistband liner.

View from the inside after the you stitch in the ditch.

After the waistband is attached I used a blind hem to shorten them to the desired length.

 Here is the finished product. I think they turned out pretty good. I wish I had taken a pic of the new lower waist but sadly I forgot. I almost didn't have time to take this one. The hubby liked them as well...he gave them 2 thumbs up. They are going to be a great pair of shorts for the summer!


  1. I feel like I've read every article on the Internet about lowering the waist on pants. I believe this is the best article out there, with a great explanation, and excellent pictures. Thanks for a job well done.

  2. why does everyone cover up the waist when they show pictures of pants they make?
